Englisch kommende Veranstaltungen

Fight against the far right: What can we learn from latin american experiences?

Workshop series: Fight against the far right: What can we learn from latin american experiences?

Across the globe, the far right is on the rise. What can we learn from latin american experiences? This workshop series* hosted by Centro Educacion Popular Lohana Berkins and co-hosted by Movement Hub, focuses on the struggles in Latin America in order to help inspire social movements in Germany and Europe.

6.11, 6pm – The New Right-Wing Movements: A Breakdown (Las nuevas derechas: radiografia)
Input by: Miguel Urban. Author of Trumpism and ex-member of European Parliament 

13.11, 6pm – Brazil: The Struggles Against Bolsonaro (Las luchas contra Bolsonaro) 

Input: Vanessa Dourado. Activist in PSOL and now is active in ATTAC Argentina
20.11., 6pm – Colombia: Defeating the Oldest Right-Wing in the Continent (Colombia: Derrotando a la derecha mas antigua del continente) Input: Diego Turmeque. Activist in land politics for peace. He does political work with farmers in Colombia. 

27.11., 6pm Cuba: Confronting Conservative Fundamentalism (Cuba, confrontando con el fundamentalismo) Input: Ricardo Santiago. Was active in Martin Luther King Center in Cuba. 

All sessions will take place online. Register below to receive the access link.

*The workshops will be in English and Spanish with simultane translation (Workshop en ingles y español con traducción simultanea)

Place: online

6., 13., 20. and 27. November 2024

Time: 6pm

Alle Ressourcen Alle Ressourcen Englisch

Crisis, extractivism and debt

Structural reasons for migrations – Brochures

The key to understanding the nature of the life and work of the migrants in Europe is to analyse the dependency links that have consolidated through decades of plundering of common property, financial speculation and indebtedness intheir territories of origin. Understanding the forced nature of these migrations does not only allow us to analyse the reasoning behind these long, hurried, uncertain and hopeful journeys. It also gives us the tools to understand the forms of work and lifestyles in these newfound homes and the relationships that persist with the families and homes in their country of origin.

Authors: María José Gordillo, Darío Farcy und Mariano Feliz.

These broschures are a cooperation between CEP Lohana Berkins and Movement Hub.

Alle Ressourcen Englisch Strategieentwicklung

Solidarity will win

Wie sorgt ihr für einen guten Ablauf eines Treffens? Was müsst ihr dabei bedenken und vorbereiten? Wie bleibt ihr in Kontakt? Wie arbeitet ihr langfristig gut zusammen? Wie könnte eine konkrete Aktion aussehen? Womit gibt es schon Erfahrungen? Die IL Berlin hat eine Broschüre geschrieben, die euch bei Gruppengründung und Organisierung mit konkreten Tipps und Ideen unterstützt: