Workshop series: Fight against the far right: What can we learn from latin american experiences?

Across the globe, the far right is on the rise. What can we learn from latin american experiences? This workshop series* hosted by Centro Educacion Popular Lohana Berkins and co-hosted by Movement Hub, focuses on the struggles in Latin America in order to help inspire social movements in Germany and Europe.
6.11, 6pm – The New Right-Wing Movements: A Breakdown (Las nuevas derechas: radiografia)
Input by: Miguel Urban. Author of Trumpism and ex-member of European Parliament
13.11, 6pm – Brazil: The Struggles Against Bolsonaro (Las luchas contra Bolsonaro)
Input: Vanessa Dourado. Activist in PSOL and now is active in ATTAC Argentina
20.11., 6pm – Colombia: Defeating the Oldest Right-Wing in the Continent (Colombia: Derrotando a la derecha mas antigua del continente) Input: Diego Turmeque. Activist in land politics for peace. He does political work with farmers in Colombia.
27.11., 6pm Cuba: Confronting Conservative Fundamentalism (Cuba, confrontando con el fundamentalismo) Input: Ricardo Santiago. Was active in Martin Luther King Center in Cuba.
All sessions will take place online. Register below to receive the access link.
*The workshops will be in English and Spanish with simultane translation (Workshop en ingles y español con traducción simultanea)
Place: online
6., 13., 20. and 27. November 2024
Time: 6pm