Upcoming events

Cross-movement meeting for those active in press and public relations work

Are you part of an activist group and involved in public relations work? Would you like to exchange tools and strategies across movements?
Movement Hub, wort.wechsel and Aktivist*innen Agentur are teaming up to host a workshop weekend.

Cross-movement meeting for those active in press and public relations work 3.- 5. May 2024

Are you part of an activist group and involved in public relations work? Would you like to exchange tools and strategies across movements?
Movement Hub, wort.wechsel and Aktivistinnen Agentur are teaming up to host a workshop weekend, where the following questions will be discussed:

  • What communication strategies do we use to counter the escalation of right-wing politics and discourse?
  • How can we support each other across movements? What are the challenges?
  • How can public relations work in movements be strengthened?
    You can find a draft program here

The weekend is aimed at activists from different movement contexts: e.g. anti-fascism, anti-racism, climate, right to the city, health and agriculture. We are happy to welcome people with different levels of experience in the field of public relations.

Unfortunately, only up to 25-30 people can participate. We would like to ensure that a diversity of movement perspectives are represented at the meeting. Therefore, registration is not first come first serve. We will contact you after the registration deadline to let you know if we can confirm your participation. To ensure that as many groups as possible can participate, it would be good if each group registers a maximum of 1-2 delegates.

The Event will take place in Hannover (Tagungshaus Gleisdreieck)

Registration deadline: 01. April 2024

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Bei der Programmkonzeption sind wir davon ausgegangen, dass Teilnehmende im Idealfall von Anfang bis Ende dabei sind. Kannst du am gesamten Treffen teilnehmen?/ When designing the program, we assumed that participants would ideally be involved from start to finish. Can you take part the entire meeting? Start: Freitag 3. Mai 15:00 – Ende Sonntag 5. Mai 15:00
Benötigst du eine Erstattung deiner Reisekosten? Do you need your travel expenses reimbursed?
Übersetzungsbedarf / Translation Requirement:
Please mark if applicable / Bitte ankreuzen, falls zutreffend:
Das Tagungshaus Gleisdreieck in Hannover hat Mehrbettzimmer (2-8 Personen) / The Gleisdreieck conference center in Hanover has multi-bed rooms (2-8 people)
Im Programm sind am Sonntagvormittag parallel stattfindende Skillsharing – Sessions vorgesehen. Welche dieser Skills würden dich interessieren? / The program includes parallel skill-sharing sessions on Sunday morning. Which of these skills would interest you?