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Diverse and Inclusive Groups

How do you build strong and diverse groups that effectively advocate for climate justice? This video from Bewegungsschule,, and Movement Hub shows how it is possible to build a strong and diverse group that effectively advocates for climate justice. It’s about creating a welcoming and open atmosphere, rethinking norms, and actively harnessing the power of diversity.

Past events

Defend Lützerath! Infocall

Defend Lützerath! Infocall

An event of X-tausend für Lützerath

The call will be in English


In January, things will get serious: the coal corporation RWE and the german government want to evict and demolish the village of Lützerath. Huge quantities of one of the world’s dirtiest fossil fuels, lignite, lie beneath the village. RWE wants to extract a total of 280 million tons of this coal from the open pit mine that threatens the village – six times more than Germany’s last chance of staying within its 1.5° budget. Only we ourselves can stop this.

We expect the eviction to start in the 2nd week of January. On site, a diverse resistance has developed: there’s a protest camp, several squatted houses, weekly village walks and on Jan 14 there will be a large demonstration in or near Lützerath.

In this call we want to discuss with you the many ways you and your groups can be part of the resistance around Lützerath.

Meeting ID: 856 7702 2227
Phone: +49 69 5050 0952 Germany
Find your local number:


Thursday, 29th of December 2022


Past events

Movement Call: >>Genug ist Genug!<< meets End Fossil: Occupy! and Climate Justice Movement

Movement Call: >>Genug ist Genug!<< meets End Fossil: Occupy! and Climate Justice Movement

Whether housing, mobility, food – prices are rising and there seems to be no end in sight. The main reason for this is the price of energy. The climate justice movement has had a lot to say about energy policy in recent years, but currently it finds few approaches to build up the urgently needed pressure for climate and social justice.

With “Genug ist Genug!” a campaign has been launched to fight rising prices and social imbalance. Workers’ struggles in the coming collective bargaining rounds are at the centre of this. But also a democratisation of the energy supply and cheaper public transport are part of the demands.

When soon many tenants will receive their utility bills including absurdly high instalment payments, the social disputes will gain new fuel. The climate justice movement must address the negative impacts of the current energy production and supply system on those most affected by it if it is to build enough power to achieve the much-invoked “system change”. Therefore, together with “Genug ist Genug!”, we invite you to the movement call to discuss this:

  • How does the climate justice movement become a factor in the disputes about rising prices and social injustice?
  • What are we doing to build bridges between workers’ struggles and struggles for climate justice?
  • What opportunities for participation does the “Geug ist Genug!” campaign offer?

Lorem ipsum street – Berlin

September 1, 2022


Past events

Subida de precios e Inflación: ¿Qué podemos aprender de las tácticas de lucha en Argentina? 

Subida de precios e Inflación: ¿Qué podemos aprender de las tácticas de lucha en Argentina? 

Los movimientos sociales en Alemania no comenzamos de cero a la hora de pensar cómo hacerle frente a la crisis económica. Podemos aprender de quienes vienen creando formas de lucha contra situaciones similares hace décadas, como es el caso de América Latina.

El Lunes 10/10 nos encontramos para hablar sobre las experiencias de lucha en Argentina, uno de los países en el que la inflación atraviesa su situación económica hace años. 

Hablaran Claudio Katz, economista muy leído por los movimientos sociales de la región, para que nos ayude a entender el por qué de la subida de precios y ademas estará Mariel Payo, integrante de la organización Poder Popular, militante e investigadora especializada en movimiento sindicales, que nos ayudará a pensar cómo elaborar posicionamientos y demandas frente al Estado.

¿Cuándo? Lunes 10 de Octubre a las 18.00 BER 13.00 ARG

¿Dónde? Online

Idioma Castellano traducción Alemán


Lunes 10 de Octubre, 2022

18.00 BER 13.00 ARG

Past events

Movement Call Energy Crisis and Inflation

Movement Call Energy Crisis and Inflation

We are expecting escalating energy costs and shortages. This will affect climate- and tenant movements, but also social movements beyond and most of us as individuals.

There is also a lot of talk about the necessity for mobilizations in order not to leave the field to the right, but so far little is planned concretely.

That’s why we and Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie invite you to an open movement call and want to discuss with you, among other things:

  • What communication strategies can we use to oppose energy poverty and fossil lock-ins?
  • How can e.g., the climate and tenant movements work together?
  • Are there already mobilization ideas for fall?

Your group already has thoughts, impulses or ideas you’d like to share? Send them to .

Please sign up below to receive the link to the call.


Tuesday, August 30th 2022


Past events

Movement Call about Lützerath

Movement Call about Lützerath

Last monday the High administrative court of Münster decided over Lützerath. In cooperation with the Lützerath-structures, we want to invite you for a movement call to discuss the following questions:

Will we soon face eviction and demolition? How do we as climate justice movement respond to this court ruling? How can we prevent the eviction? And what can all of us do, to support a broad movilisation and a variety of actions in and around Lützerath? Please sign up below to receive the link to the call.


Wednesday, 6th of April 2022
