Bird Dogging Skillshare
The tactic is about confronting decision makers and getting them to publically take a position (or embarrass themselves 😎). This can be aimed at increasing pressure, getting greater media exposure, or going viral on social media. In some cases, power and profit interests can be exposed to a wider audience.

When and where is the workshop?
- Berlin, 28. 01.2023 | Saturday, 12-4pm| Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
- Frankfurt a.M., 29.01.2023 with the Open Climate Meeting Frankfurt| Sunday, 1-5 pm | Studierendenhaus
Language: English with German whispered translation
Who is this workshop for? The workshop is open to everyone! It could be useful for people in the tenant movement, climate justice movement, before state elections or used in completely different contexts. You can certainly think of examples from your own struggles and campaigns.
Our speaker Laura comes from Green New Deal UK and brings a lot of experience and stories to the tactics.
Berlin | Frankfurt
28.01.23 | 29.01.23