

Cross-movement meeting for those active in press and public relations work

Are you part of an activist group and involved in public relations work? Would you like to exchange tools and strategies across movements?
Movement Hub, wort.wechsel and Aktivist*innen Agentur are teaming up to host a workshop weekend.

Bird Dogging Skillshare

Bird Dogging Skillshare The tactic is about confronting decision makers and getting them to publically take a position (or embarrass themselves 😎). This can be aimed at increasing pressure, getting greater media exposure, or going viral on social media. In some cases, power and profit interests can be exposed to a wider audience. Title When...

Defend Lützerath! Infocall

An event of X-tausend für Lützerath

The call will be in English...

Movement Call: >>Genug ist Genug!<< meets End Fossil: Occupy! and Climate Justice Movement

Whether housing, mobility, food – prices are rising and there seems to be no end in sight. The main reason for this is the price of energy. The climate justice movement has had a lot to say about energy policy in recent years, but currently it finds few approaches to build up the urgently needed pressure for climate and social justice...

Subida de precios e Inflación: ¿Qué podemos aprender de las tácticas de lucha en Argentina? 

Subida de precios e Inflación: ¿Qué podemos aprender de las tácticas de lucha en Argentina?  Los movimientos sociales en Alemania no comenzamos de cero a la hora de pensar cómo hacerle frente a la crisis económica. Podemos aprender de quienes vienen creando formas de lucha contra situaciones similares hace décadas, como es el caso de América Latina...

Movement Call Energy Crisis and Inflation

Movement Call Energy Crisis and Inflation We are expecting escalating energy costs and shortages. This will affect climate- and tenant movements, but also social movements beyond and most of us as individuals. There is also a lot of talk about the necessity for mobilizations in order not to leave the field to the right, but...

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