Your group is stuck on strategy, tactics or goal alignment? On this page we have compiled different tools that will help you with collective strategy development.

Planning a Global Week of Action
A Global Week of Action is a week when people across the world take action with a common goal, set of targets, and with shared demands, storytelling and visual identity. This document builds on the learnings from the Insure Our Future Global Week of Action. It is written based on experiences from this context, though there will be lots of relevance for those working in different contexts.
In The Commons Library you can find detailed information on how to plan a Global Week of Action:
Social Strike Game
The Social Strike Game is a group strategy game that’s fun for everyone. It’s an opportunity to use your imagination to figure out the ways an array of different groups and resources in a city/area can co-ordinate to develop social struggle, build community, deal with crises, respond to significant events, and smash capitalism.
Plan C has developed this fantastic, joyful and strategic game so we can all play it in our groups! Thanks Plan C!
The Commons – Social Change Library
The commons library is not so much a tool itself, but much more than that! A vast collection of theoretical background materials, tools for varying needs and desires and a great source of inspiration. You’ll find anything from materials helping you to build your Theory of Change to learning more about how to create a campaign!
Crisis, extractivism and debt
Structural reasons for migrations – Brochures
The key to understanding the nature of the life and work of the migrants in Europe is to analyse the dependency links that have consolidated through decades of plundering of common property, financial speculation and indebtedness intheir territories of origin. Understanding the forced nature of these migrations does not only allow us to analyse the reasoning behind these long, hurried, uncertain and hopeful journeys. It also gives us the tools to understand the forms of work and lifestyles in these newfound homes and the relationships that persist with the families and homes in their country of origin.
Authors: María José Gordillo, Darío Farcy und Mariano Feliz.
These broschures are a cooperation between CEP Lohana Berkins and Movement Hub.
Organizing in Sudan
Bewegungsschule has developed learning materials on the function of action in organizing using the example of resistance committees in Sudan: A case study with associated method description and a handout and. So you can use the material directly. For more background information, listen to the interview with Muzna Alhaj.
1 to 1 conversations
1-to-1 conversations are part of the toolkit of all organizers. There are different 1-to-1 conversations. This handout from the Bewegungsschule contains a guideline for an approximately 45-minute personal conversation between a more active person (organizer) and a less active person.
Collective strategy development
The Phase5 collective has published a reader with methods to support groups, initiatives and alliances in the joint development of strategies. Behind this is a feminist claim: As many as possible should be involved in the formulation of longer-term plans, so that all the different perspectives become visible, disputable and decidable.
Solidarity will win
How do you ensure that a meeting goes well? What do you have to consider and prepare? How do you stay in contact? How do you work well together in the long term? What could a concrete action look like? What experiences do you already have? The IL Berlin has written a brochure that supports you in founding and organizing groups with concrete tips and ideas:
Turning the world upside down
The ILA Collective has published a new book on how groups can independently develop strategies for transformation and how to embed their actions in them. This power book contains a wide range of thoughts, ideas and practical tools for social change to support you in your strategy development!
The whole book (and more) is available here:
Growing and Active Groups
How do you build strong and diverse groups that work effectively for climate justice? In this video from Movement School,, and Movement Hub, you’ll learn how to strengthen and grow a group to do effective and inclusive work for climate justice. It’s a few simple tips and tricks that will take your group far.
Diverse and Inclusive Groups
How do you build strong and diverse groups that effectively advocate for climate justice? This video from Bewegungsschule,, and Movement Hub shows how it is possible to build a strong and diverse group that effectively advocates for climate justice. It’s about creating a welcoming and open atmosphere, rethinking norms, and actively harnessing the power of diversity.
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